





Study abroad is one of the most powerful methods for helping students to develop independence, 灵活性, 和弹性, 因此, working with students while overseas as well as upon return from abroad is a true pleasure. bet亚洲365欢迎投注在国外 promotes international engagement and 学术, 个人, and professional development through rigorous, 反思性海外学习, 海外实习机会, 以及国际校园规划.

As your student prepares for their study abroad program, we would like to connect with you to offer resources as well as words of advice for how best to support your student in having the most productive experience overseas. The professional research clearly shows that study abroad facilitates 个人, 学术, 专业成长. 同样的, the research also shows that there are particular strategies that you, as the study abroad participant's family, can take to support this critical development. 

In the application and pre-departure phase, it can be useful to speak with your student about their objectives in study abroad, 他们的海外计划, 以及他们可能有的任何担忧. You may not be able to answer all of their questions, but through discussion you can assure them of your support. 学习一些bet亚洲365欢迎投注格式的知识, content, and philosophy of the program on which your student plans to participate. Confirm that the student's passport is valid and extends six or more months beyond the intended return date to the USA. 

同样的, while offering limited assistance with pre-departure paperwork and logistics, encourage your student to take responsibility for themselves in completing all necessary steps in a timely fashion, including those related to securing any necessary visa or other travel and study documents. Students will participate in pre-departure meetings where necessary steps are covered. 根据我们的经验, many students are pro-active and take the initiative to complete paperwork, 而有些则不是. 在后一种情况下, some students do not take adequate initiative in completing paperwork on time, assuming that their parent(s) will do it for them. 回想一下,除了学术, study abroad is also about 个人 development - the ability and initiative to step up and take responsibility and accountability for oneself. 支持你的学生, 如果有用的话, confirm with them that paperwork is being completed (discuss, 审查, 等. 适当的), but also try to encourage him/her to be pro-active in solving problems, 问问题, 完成任务.

Some of the pre-departure discussion revolves around returning to campus following the semester abroad. Perhaps the most common question is that of housing. All housing decisions at the College are made based on the priority point system, which assigns points to students based on their 学术 average, involvement with extra-curricular activities, 学科的历史, 以及他们居住区域的条件. The system is used by the Office of 住房 and 住宅生活 to place students in housing after their entering first year at Marist. 住房 decisions for students choosing to study abroad are also made within the framework of the priority points system. 然而, because the College has a fixed number of beds available on campus, a large number of students choosing to study abroad in one semester may limit the number of beds available on campus in the semester they return. 在这种情况下, campus housing is offered to study abroad participants with the highest priority points. 

一旦你的学生在海外, they will be well served if you strive to encourage self-reliance and independence. Encourage your student to develop a local support network for understanding their situation, 识别问题区域, and developing the nuance of recognizing culture shock. Things will be different abroad - 个人 space, 沟通方式, 生活节奏, 以及对歧义的容忍, 更不用说房间的大小了, “设施,运输方式, 食物, 这样的例子不胜枚举. 这是一个经常提出的反问句, 事实上, 海外的情况也一样吗, then why should the any student study abroad? Expect that your student will experience some degree of culture shock, and that it might not always be recognized as such. 再一次。, encourage your student to develop a local network of support, and to discuss issues in context with individuals most familiar with them. 

Suggestions on how to manage communication while your student is abroad:

  • Plan how often, and through what means you will communicate.
  • Do not accompany your student to the host country at the start of the program.
  • Understand that all students will experience culture shock and that this may have a significant impact on what your student is communicating to you about the experience.
  • Allow your student the time and space to develop a support network abroad rather than relying totally on the one back home.
  • Avoid too frequent e-mail or phone communication; this can interfere both with language learning and with integration into the host culture.
  • Avoid visiting while the 学术 program is in session.

